At the conclusion of the 17 year visits, our team saw almost 100 teen participants and their families. Boston Children’s ELGAN families traveled from the greater Boston area, across the United States, and even from different countries to participate in the study. We are grateful to our ELGAN families for their continued interest and participation in the study. All having been enrolled at birth over 18 years ago, each family is truly unique and irreplaceable. We appreciate your time and dedication to help us understand the long-term health outcomes of children born extremely preterm.
We are very excited to continue our remote 18 year visits! If you have question about the study or want to schedule your visit, please call us at 617-919-7512 or send us an email at ELGANECHO@childrens.harvard.edu.
Meet the Boston Children’s Hospital ELGAN 3 Study Team:

Principal Investigator: Dr. Caitlin Rollins
Department of Neurology
300 Longwood Avenue, Fegan, 11th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
Study Coordinators:

Kyla Waring

Kaysi Herrera Pujols

Susie Rodriguez
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For more information, check out the Elgan-Echo Study | Research Projects | Boston Children’s Hospital (childrenshospital.org)!