The Helen DeVos ELGAN Study team would like to thank each and every one of our ELGAN families for their continued support over the last 20+ years. Thanks to your support and the support of other ELGAN families at 14 different hospitals in five states, ELGAN researchers have accumulated a vast wealth of knowledge and generated over 175 published research articles related to babies and children born 3 months early. We are humbled by your support and feel we can’t say thanks enough.
We are excited to announce we are beginning our age 18/19 virtual study visits. This visit consists of teens completing a 30 minute questionnaire online. The HDVCH research team will contact you with details. Over the years, we’ve enjoyed interacting with each of you and look forward to watching your teens as they transition from NICU graduates to high school graduates. We welcome another opportunity to work with you again via phone, snail mail, and email. As always, we encourage you to reach out to us anytime.
Meet the Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital at Spectrum Health team:

Principal Investigator: Steve Pastyrnak, Ph.D.
35 Michigan Street NE
Mail Code 261
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Study Coordinators: Duvonna Haynes and Emina Nakic
100 Michigan NE, MC038
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Duvonna Haynes
Cell: 616-350-3749

Emina Nakic
Cell: 616-260-0546
Additional Resources
Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital website