Steven J Korzeniewski, Elizabeth N Allred, Robert M Joseph, Tim Heeren, Karl C K Kuban, T Michael O’Shea, Alan Leviton, ELGAN Study Investigators
Pediatrics. 2017 Nov;140(5). pii: e20170697.
We sought to evaluate the relationships between FGR & cognitive, academic, and adaptive behavior brain function at age 10 years. The 52 children whose birth weight z scores were <-2 had severe FGR, and the 113 whose birth weight z scores were between -2 and -1 had less severe FGR.
RESULTS/CONCLUSION: The more severe the growth restriction in utero, the lower the level of function on multiple cognitive and academic achievement assessments performed at age 10 years–children were also more likely than to have social awareness impairments, autistic mannerisms, ASD, language difficulty, and diminished social and psychosocial functioning.