Yael Dvir, Jean A Frazier, Robert M Joseph, Irina Mokrova, Phoebe S Moore, T Michael OʼShea, Stephen R Hooper, Hudson P Santos Jr, Karl Kuban, ELGAN Study Investigators
J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019 Dec;40(9):725-734.
To evaluate percentage of children born EP who screen positive for ≥1 DSM-IV psychiatric disorders, the co-occurrence of and sex-related differences in these classifications, and the functional correlates of psychiatric symptoms.
For 871 10-year-old children in The ELGAN Study, parents completed the CSI-4, and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL). At age 10 years, ELGANs were more likely to screen positive for a number of psychiatric disorders when compared with normative expectations, with a few sex-related differences. 15% screened positive for 1 disorder, 7% for 2, 3% for 3, and 4% for ≥4 psychiatric disorders. Children who screened positive for ≥3 psychiatric disorders were twice as likely to repeat a grade, have an IEP, have a school aide, and to require special remediation classes. Children who screened positive for any psychiatric disorder were 4 times more likely to use 1 or more psychotropic medication, and those who screened positive for ≥2 psychiatric disorders had lower PedsQL scores.