Rachel G Hirschberger, Karl C K Kuban, Thomas M O’Shea, Robert M Joseph, Tim Heeren, Laurie M Douglass, Carl E Stafstrom, Hernan Jara, Jean A Frazier, Deborah Hirtz, Julie V Rollins, Nigel Paneth, ELGAN Study Investigators
Pediatr Neurol. 2018 Feb;79:45-52.
214 of 873 children (25%) had cognitive impairment, 93 of 849 children (11%) had CP, 61 of 857 children (7%) had ASD, and 66 of 888 children (7%) had epilepsy. Further, 19% of all children had 1 diagnosis, 10% had 2 diagnoses, and 3% had 3 diagnoses. Decreasing GA associated with increasing # of impairments (P < 0.001). Half the children with cognitive impairment and ⅓ with CP, ASD, or epilepsy had a single impairment. Six hundred one (68% [95% CI, 64.5%-70.7%]) children were in category I (not impaired), 74 (8% [95% CI, 6.6%-10.3%]) were in category II (nl cognition with neuro imapairment), and 214 (24% [95% CI 21.7%-27.4%]) were in category III (cognitively impaired). CONCLUSIONS: ¾ had normal intellect at age 10 years; nearly 70% free of neurodevelopmental impairment. 40% with impairments had multiple diagnoses.