Strabismus at Age 2 Years in Children Born Before 28 Weeks’ Gestation: Antecedents and Correlates

Deborah K VanderVeen, Elizabeth N Allred, David K Wallace, Alan Leviton, ELGAN Study Investigators

J Child Neurol. 2016 Mar;31(4):451-60.

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We evaluated perinatal factors associated with strabismus at age 2 years in ELGANs. Overall, 14% (n = 141) of children had strabismus at 2 yrs, and 80% of these children had esotropia. Characteristics associated with strabismus were birth before 26 weeks’ gestation, severe FGR, maternal Hx of aspirin ingestion. Postnatal factors included a SNAP-II Score ≥30, Vmeg, type I ROP, and ventilator-dependent severe BPD.