Blood protein concentrations in the first two postnatal weeks that predict BPD among infants born before the 28th week of gestation

Carl Bose, Matthew Laughon, Elizabeth N Allred, Linda J Van Marter, T Michael O’Shea, Richard A Ehrenkranz, Raina Fichorova, Alan Leviton, Elgan Study Investigators

Pediatr Res. 2011;69:347-53

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BPD Risk was associated with ↑ blood cytokines, adhesion molecules, and proteases. ↓ risk was associated with chemokine, RANTES. ↑ of inflammatory proteins associated with BPD risk occurred in first days and intensified thereafter. Exposures that promote inflammation after first days may be more critical in the pathogenesis of BPD. Fetal growth restriction was not accompanied by proteins elevations