Antecedents of Obesity Among Children Born Extremely Preterm

Charles T Wood, Olivia Linthavong, Eliana M Perrin, Alan Leviton, Elizabeth N Allred, Karl C K Kuban, T Michael O’Shea, ELGAN Study Investigators

Pediatrics. 2018 Nov;142(5). pii: e20180519. doi: 10.1542/peds. 2018-0519. Epub 2018 Oct 5.

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We examined BMI in 871 children and analyzed relationships between antecedents and overweight or obesity at 10 years. Prepregnancy maternal BMI ≥25 and top quartile infant weight gain in the first year were associated with increased risk of overweight and obesity at 10 years. Single marital status and tobacco smoke were risk factor for obesity and being overweight. The risk profiles for overweight and obesity at 10 years of age among ELGAN children is similar to the risk profiles of overweight and obesity among children born at term.