Are preterm newborns who have relative hyperthyrotropinemia at increased risk of brain damage?

Steven J Korzeniewski, Carmen L Soto-Rivera, Raina N Fichorova, Elizabeth N Allred, Karl C K Kuban, T Michael O’Shea, Nigel Paneth, Michael Agus, Olaf Dammann, Alan Leviton

J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2014;27:1077-88

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In univariable models, hyperthyrotropinemia (HTT) not associated with brain damage indicators. In models of HTT only, intermittent or sustained systemic inflammation (ISSI) only, and HTT+ISSI, children with ISSI or HTT+ISSI were at higher risk of VM (OR) 2-6]. Children with HTT only had a higher risk of QP and those with ISSI alone had a higher risk of HP (ORs 1.6-2.4). Elevated risk of MDI <55 associated with ISSI and HTT+ISSI, whereas PDI < 55 & MC associated with HTT+ISSI. Conclusions: The association of HTT with brain damage depends on the presence or absence of ISSI.