Brain disorders associated with corticotropin releasing hormone expression in the placenta among children born before the 28th week of gestation

Alan Leviton, Elizabeth N Allred, Karl C K Kuban, Thomas Michael O’Shea, Nigel Paneth, Joseph Majzoub, ELGAN Study Investigators

Acta Paediatr. 2016 Jan;105(1):e7-e11.

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To evaluate relationship between placenta CRH expression & brain structure and function abnormalities in Eps, we evaluated relationship between CRH expression in placenta and risk of HUS abnormalities, low scores on BSID of 900 children at age two years and HC > one and two SD below mean. Infants w/low placenta CRH m-RNA  were at ↑risk of VMeg on HUS. ↑placenta CRH mRNA also associated w/↑risk of inability to walk at 2 years, and a Bayley PDI 3 SD < mean. Placenta CRH mRNA conveys risk information about brain damage in ELGANs.