Developmental correlates of head circumference at birth and at two years in a cohort of ELGANs

Karl C K Kuban, Elizabeth N Allred, T Michael O’Shea, Nigel Paneth, Sjirk Westra, Cindy Miller, N Paul Rosman, Alan Leviton

J Pediatr 2009;155:344-9.e1-3

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A total of 11% of infants in our sample had MC at 2 years. MC at 2 years, but not at birth, predicts severe motor and cognitive impairments at 2 years. A total of 71% of children with congenital MC had a normal HC at 2 years and had neurodevelopmental outcomes ~ those with nl HC at birth and 2 years. Among children with MC at 2 years, more than half had a MDI <70, and nearly a third had CP. The risks were increased if child also had cerebral WM damage on neonatal HUS.Among ELGANs, MC at 2 yrs, but not at birth, is associated with motor and cognitive impairment at age 2.